Sunday, June 14, 2015

A smile is the prettiest thing you'll ever wear.

In 48 hours I have a dental appointment ... the much dreaded deep cleaning due to pockets found recently in the gums.  You ask if I floss, use a water pik, use a sonic tooth brush, stimulate the gums and brush more than twice a day.  The answer is YES! I even use a special toothpaste that includes fennel, myrrh and bee propolis ... all powerful ingredients that treat gum disorders.  So,  then why all the dental issues?

Mysteriously, the teeth issue became a huge problem ever since my first breast cancer operation in 2000 ... more cavities, some minor gum issues.  After the two 2004 operations, my teeth and mouth became more sensitive.  Even after teeth cleanings, my mouth would develop plaque very quickly in spite of my daily flossing, brushing and rinsing with an anti-plaque formula.  Two teeth cleanings yearly wasn't enough. 

After my December 2011 mastectomy the teeth and gum problem worsened.  Shortly after the operation I developed a very advanced stage of H. Pylori which was left untreated for more than 5 months.  I do not have proof that this bacterial infection in my gut had adverse affects on my mouth. Oddly, certain foods that I can no longer eat (they cause vomiting) seem to have damaged my teeth and gums.  My dentist instructed me to eliminate all citrus and acidy fruits from my diet.  That has helped the teeth, but I continue to experience gum problems. It's very frustrating when I eat the right food, avoid the wrong foods and focus on my dental hygiene the way many females focus on their manicures and pedicures.  And still, the problem continues!

Although I was treated for H. Pylori I continue to experience acute gastrointestinal issues (vomiting, nausea).  I am fortunate to have a caring acupuncturist who works closely with me on this issue.  I take specific herbs and formulas to reduce the nausea and vomiting.  I've been on a specialized nutrition plan for three years. A gastrointerologist recommended special probiotics which have helped tremendously.  Sadly, my condition has affected my gums.

Another problem is my body is very sensitive to novocaine and other numbing medications.  It takes my body from 1 to 3 days to recover from simple dental procedures, and from 2 to 5 days for more complex ones.  This is emotionally draining. 

Plus, the amount of money I've spent on dental work is staggering!  I have an awesome dental insurance plan, and even with great coverage last year's out-of-pock dental expense was over $3,000 (and I'm fortunate that my dentist gives me a huge discount). 

I never thought that a very, very tiny malignant tumor (the size of a pea) would create such havoc in my body, even in my mouth.

On the positive side:  at least I have my teeth and can chew food (when I'm not nauseous or vomiting), and have a great smile!

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