Tuesday, May 14, 2013

What cancer cannot take away ...

To hear these three words, "You have cancer", you may feel as if your life has come to an end. I found out that it wasn't the end; it was merely the beginning of a new phase of my life. 

Sure, the journey of finding a way to overcome cancer has had it's ups and many downs. Cancer is a destructive disease; it took away my left boob, my long beautiful hair, my chest and arm muscles, my physical strength, and shockingly,  it even removed  many people from my life: people whom I had known for years whom I considered friends, and sadly immediate family members. 

In spite of the rejection of family members, I learned to fully accept and love myself.  What truly matters is my strong connection with God. 

Yes, cancer can eat away at a person, but it cannot take away the essence of me, of who I am.  It cannot take away my purpose in Life. It cannot cripple love. It cannot shatter hope.  It cannot destroy my inner peace.  It cannot kill true friendship.  It cannot invade and harm my soul.  It cannot conquer my spirit. 

"What Cancer Cannot Take Away"
Sandra Fernandez-Henderson

"Although hundreds die from the disease each day,
There are some things it cannot take away. 
It can erode my body and cause pain,
But it cannot destroy my spirit, the essence of me.
Who I truly am will always be free
of any disease.
Doctors may perform a mastectomy.
They can prescribe drugs that cause my hair to fall. 
Yet they cannot remove the essence of me
Because God's love has set me free. 
In spite of the dizziness, pain and lack of strength
that may cause my eyes to tear,
my spirit is whole; it knows no fear.
There are days when I am unable to drive,
Yet my attitude remains bright
because I celebrate each day I am alive.
I am humbled and with a passion to live
each day in gratitude.
I have purpose:
to give hope to others so they
might understand
that cancer can leave a physical scar,
but it cannot take away who you are ...
God's child whose light shines brightly
like the most radiant star."

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