Sunday, November 25, 2012

Amazon Warrior Woman Teams with Cupid!

The one year anniversary of my mastectomy is quickly approaching.  To say that this year has been a very difficult year is truly an understatement.  Emotionally, this has been a time of extreme adjustment and major inner transformation.

I remember when I first glanced at my body "sans left boob."  What kept running through my mind was, "How am I going to adjust to the dating scene again? What do I tell a potential love interest? What if my dating days are gone?" I didn't like these negative thoughts that were tarnishing my attitude. I decided I would give myself an attitude adjustment. I no longer wanted to be branded as a victim of the disease or a survivor.

Post surgry my hair fell out in glumps; I felt humiliated. I wore wigs for a while. I eventually came to terms that I had more facial hair than strands on my head. I asked my hairdresser to trim my locks into a spike hairdo. For the first time in five years I didn't have long, braided hair. Somehow, having my hair shaped into a 2 inch spike hairdo felt empowering.  Ironically, I also felt lighter emotionally.

The next step in the process was to tackle the issue of being a "cancer victim." With the help of a close friend, I did some research on Amazon warrior women. Historically, these fierce female warriors were more corageous than I had known. One harsh requirement was to have a left breast mastectomy. And that's how I feel today ... like a courageous Amazon warrior woman ... full of life, passion, compassion and lots of chutzpah.

For Halloween I dressed up as a pirate's wench with low-cut dress and beatiful feathers to conceal the left boob. I wasn't scheduled to work @ Costco that day, but decided I'd have some fun with my fellow food demonstrators. They laughed at my costume and my impromptu pirate scenes. Some coworkers told customers about my mastectomy. I was literally applauded that day! Men came up and flirted, and of course, I flirted back. After Halloween I could hear the "old me" say, "Halloween's over; the flirting will stop!"  I immediately silenced that inner voice.

What happened next was astounding. The other night, for example, I went to the local grocery store. While I entered the front door, I could hear whistling, which I ignored. Then I heard louder whistles and turned around. This tall, golden-tanned guy was trying to get my attention. We chatted for a while in the safest part of the store: the frozen food section where I could keep my temperature from rising. After a 15 minute brief conversation, the handsome guy asked me for my number which I gave to him, and I said to myself, "You've got your mojo back!"

I don't know if I'll ever see him again. What matters is I am healthy, and Life is wonderful. I'm open to dating again ... this Amazon warrior woman is teaming up with Cupid for the love of my life!

1 comment:

  1. Yahoo! You go, Sistah! NOTHING can stop you! You're a smart, beautiful woman. Here's to the next chapter...God bless!
