Monday, August 13, 2012

Prevention: The Best Medicine

Before I was diagnosed with cancer in 2000 I would do the "right thing" by getting my yearly influenza vaccine.  Ironically, I would be come ill within a few hours of becoming inoculated. Some symptoms were fever, nausea and skin rashes.  I questioned the medical community, and my primary care physician informed me that flu vaccine was safe since it contained no trace of the active flu virus.  Allergy tests indicated I am not allergic to eggs, a primary ingredient in the vaccine.

After I was diagnosed with cancer in 2000 I decided to forfeit my yearly flu shot.  Intuitively, I felt this precaution was more harmful to my body. After much research I found proof that I was right.

Some of the hazzards I found about the vaccine are its contents. Following is a list of toxic ingredients in the flu shot:

MERCURY: Fish is a primary source of mercury. By digesting the mercury, it is stored in the kidneys and then dispersed throughout the body, blood, liver bones and fatty tissues. It causes insomnia, irritability and muscular spasms.  Pregnant women mus be careful because it does affect the fetus, and the mercury can be found in breast milk.

PHENOL:  This toxic ingredient can cause dehydration, meningitis and sepsis (blood infectin).  It is harmful to the skin, eyes and central nervous system.  It can also be found in throat lozenges and nose and ear drops.

FORMALDEHYDE:  In addition to causing cancer, it also triggers resperatory conditions, such as bronchitis. This toxic ingredient is also found in sunblock, toothpaste, cosmetics, fingernail polish, bodywash, and soap bars.  My blood was tested in 2000 by a group of physicians in Germany.  High levels of formaldehyde were found n my blood, and it was concluded this was the primary cause of the cancer.

ANIMAL VIRUSES:  Colds and chicken pox are two conditions triggered by animal viruses.  Certain animal viruses are also known to transform normal cells into malignant tumors.

ANIMAL BLOOD:  Animal blood is known to cause dehydration, meningitis and sepsis (blood infection).

What preventive measures can a person take to prevent the flu?  Personally, I take two capsules of echinacea with goldean seal daily.  This combination helps build a strong immune system.  I also found it is important to take vitamins C and D3 daily.  Of course it is best to avoid fast foods and incorporate a healthy nutrition plan.  Drink plenty of water, and avoid alcohol.  Get plenty of rest, and learn to RELAX!

PREVENTION is the best medicine!


  1. I totally agree. I had one flu shot and that was the end of it. Prevention and the right thoughts are the best choice and have proven me right. I have never had the flu.

  2. I'm glad now that I've never had one! That is something about the formaldehyde. I remember friends years ago actually adding it to their fingernail polish! I don't remember why now--whether it was to make the polish last longer or what. But I've always wondered if some of the things we seem to have these days are caused by all of the synthetic products and things we're surrounded by--like the plastics in so many things in our homes and offices. I have actually wondered if that could be what causes fibromyalgia, for instance. Great post, Sistah!
