Sunday, July 22, 2012

That Healing Touch

It's been seven months since my mastectomy.  The incisions have healed, but the body is far from normal. My immune system, for example, has been affected. From late 2004 until December 2011 I didn't catch the flu or even a cold; however since my December 2011 mastectomy I've had more sick days than well ones.

My immune system has been compromised. The operation depleted my body of vitamin D, and I was prescribed 50,000 mg to help restore my body. Among those illnesses that plagued my tired body was the shingles. Although my doctors hadn't recommended the preventive vaccine for me, I felt it was worth researching.  Timing was off ... I had to recover first from a major incidence of hpylori (horrible intestinal virus). I had no sooner started to recuperate from the intestinal virus when I felt a burning sensation on the right side of my face. Within 48 hours of this "hunded bees stinging my face" type of pain, dozens of small blistered appeared. I had come down with the shingles.

In spite of the meds and pain pills, the discomfort continued.  One morning my faithful companion, my 5 lb chihuahua named Rocky, started soothing my face with his paws. I guess he knew he couldn't "lick my blisters" away.  His paws were very therapeutic; he wasn't afraid to come close to me and touch my wounds.

Rocky's compassion was like a heavenly touch of God upon my face. That kind gesture gave me the strength I needed to get dressed and take Rocky for a long walk along the water at 6 a.m.  The cool morning breeze was soothing to my face.  And as usual I knew that with God (and my dog), I would also overcome this setback.

While walking Rocky (actually, while Rocky was walking me), I was inspired to write this poem:

The Healing Breeze
Sandra Fernandez-Henderson
(copyrighted 7/20/12)

The breeze, soothing my face
is more than the wind.
It is God's embrace
of love's healing ... so pure.
It reminds me that with God
I can endure
each pebble thrown my way.
With each stone in Life I build
a staircase of Divinity filled
with God's enduring grace.
I embrace
my path, although smooth it may not be,
for with each stone
comes the gift of a celestrial throne
among angels.
My body may become weak with age.
I might experience challenges
as I overcome each illness,
each dis-ease.
But each lesson empowers me
with the wisdom of a sage.
So I walk and feel the breeze
soothe my face,
there is no trace
of worry or fear
for within I connect with God Divine,
and I know the solution to all
problems is near
to my heart.

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